
Pro-lifer Paul Vaughn avoids prison time sought by Biden DOJ after FACE Act conviction – LifeSite

NASHVILLE, Tennessee (LifeSiteNews) — Pro-life activist Paul Vaughn was sentenced to three years of supervised release, avoiding prison time for his peaceful witness in defense of life despite zealous prosecution and conviction by the Biden Department of Justice.

Vaughn, a father of 11, had additionally faced up to a maximum of 10 1/2 years in prison and fines of up to $260,000 after being convicted in January of violating the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act and engaging in a “Conspiracy Against Rights.”

“We are pleased the judge has shown leniency to Paul at today’s sentencing hearing, and I know Paul is incredibly thankful to be able to celebrate Independence Day with his family,” said Steve Crampton, Thomas More Society senior counsel and Vaughn’s attorney, in a statement.

“But it remains the case that his conviction is a deep injustice,” Crampton said. “The Declaration of Independence, formally adopted on this day 248 years ago, famously states: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’”

He continued:

On the anniversary of our nation’s charter declaring such rights ‘inalienable,’ Paul Vaughn and his co-defendants stand convicted of defending the inalienable right to life. The weaponized and evidence-free charges brought here by the Biden Department of Justice against peaceful pro-lifers should have never been filed.

The event for which the Biden Department of Justice targeted Paul and his fellow pro-lifers was a peaceful demonstration by entirely peaceable citizens — filled with prayer, hymn-singing, and worship — and oriented toward persuading expecting mothers not to abort their babies.

For his witness to life, the FBI raided Paul’s home at gunpoint in front of his wife and children, then brought down the full weight of the United States government to prosecute Paul. We will continue to advocate tirelessly for pro-lifers like Paul, to make sure that the FACE Act is never again weaponized by the Department of Justice against its ideological opponents.”

Vaughn’s conviction stemmed from his participation in a peaceful pro-life gathering at a Nashville-area abortion facility in March 2021 where he prayed, sang hymns, and communicated with law enforcement.

U.S. District Judge Aleta Trauger refused to allow media and the wider public into the courtroom for Vaughn’s sentencing, a move that co-defendant Cal Zastro told LifeSiteNews’ Louis Knuffke is” because they don’t want their evil deeds to be known.”

Vaughn and other pro-lifers were put on trial for federal charges brought by the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ). Altogether, 10 pro-life advocates were charged with violating the FACE Act for the “rescue” that took place in March 2021 at a Mt. Juliet, Tennessee abortion center. On January 30, 2024, Paul and five co-defendants were found guilty on all counts.

‘The spiritual battle raging across our land’

After the sentencing hearing, Vaughn said, “We rejoice in God’s plans. Because this is at the heart a spiritual battle, we are thankful to have a strong advocate in the Thomas More Society. Not only are they experts at law, but they deeply understand the spiritual battle raging across our land.”

“We will appeal to have this unlawful use of the law overturned,” Vaughn declared. “We must stand and fight for what is right, we cannot bow down to the lie. Laws have to be grounded in truth, they have to align with the ultimate law giver, who is Christ our Lord. The false narratives plaguing our nation will fall when we stand up to them. That is what this case is about and I’m ever thankful to have a legal team who understands that truth and who is willing to fight for it all the way to the supreme court if necessary.”

Held at gunpoint by the FBI in front of his young children

In October 2022 — more than a year and a half after the peaceful protest — the FBI raided Vaughn’s home at gunpoint in front of his wife and young children, some of whom were just leaving for school.

“Paul Vaughn’s arrest in front of his wife and seven of his children, including the 18-month child she was holding, followed by his indictment on federal charges, is yet another attempt on the part of the Biden Department of Justice to frighten and intimidate Christians and committed life advocates,” Crampton explained earlier.

An ‘utterly ridiculous attempt (by) the DOJ to criminalize Christian beliefs actions’

The Biden DOJ claimed that Vaughn, the president of Personhood Tennessee, participated in a “conspiracy against rights secured by the FACE Act” as well as of violating the FACE Act itself, even though he never obstructed anyone and was entirely peaceful. According to the police negotiator who testified during the trial, Paul was peaceful and helpful throughout the pro-life gathering.

According to TMS:

  • At trial, prosecutors presented an abortion business employee who claimed to be “trapped inside the building during the incident,” despite video that showed traffic clearly passing down the hallway to and from the abortion venue.
  • The prosecution relied heavily on a primary witness, Caroline Davis, who participated in and was arrested for the Mt. Juliet prayer event with Vaughn but later turned state’s evidence.
  • The government attempted to paint Paul as willfully deceiving the police during the gathering at the Mt. Juliet prayer event despite witness testimony from a police negotiator who testified that Paul had been helpful, collaborative, and peaceful.
  • The government also attempted to portray Paul as intending to interfere with the operation of the Mt. Juliet facility using paper-thin evidence, and as a member of a criminal conspiracy, despite no evidence of prior knowledge of the event.

“This is an utterly ridiculous attempt (by) the DOJ to criminalize Christian beliefs and Christian actions in our culture, “Vaughn told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham at the time of his conviction.

Vaughn’s co-defendants who will be sentenced later this week are, in addition to Zastro,  Chester Gallagher, Heather Idoni, Coleman Boyd, and Dennis Green, each of whom face up to a maximum of 10 1/2 years in prison, three years of supervised release and fines of up to $260,000.

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