
What’s on the Ballot This November in California? – Intercessors for America

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California, often a testing ground for far-left policies, will vote on several ballot initiatives in November. Here’s what you need to know.

From The Epoch Times. California voters will decide on 10 ballot measures in November …

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Each of the initiatives … will need approval from at least 50 percent of voters to pass.

State Constitutional Amendments

Prop. 3: Marriage Equality (ACA 5)

The California Constitution currently states that only marriage between a man and a woman is recognized in the state …

A yes vote on this ballot measure means removing this state constitutional rule and establishing marriage as a fundamental right for all individuals.

Prop. 5: Local Taxes to Fund Housing (ACA 1)

This state constitutional amendment, if approved, will make it easier for local governments to approve bonds and special taxes for affordable housing and public infrastructure projects.

A yes vote means the threshold to pass such bonds and taxes would reduce from a two-thirds supermajority to 55 percent.

Prop. 6: Ban Slavery (ACA 8)

A yes vote on this state constitutional amendment would ban forced prison labor by abolishing slavery in any form. …


Prop. 2: Education Bond

Voters will weigh in on a $10 billion education bond designed to allocate state funds for the renovation of school buildings that are 75 years old or older. …

Prop. 4: Climate Bond

Voters will decide on a $10 billion bond aimed at prioritizing safe and affordable drinking water, wildfire prevention, extreme heat mitigation, sustainable agriculture, and clean, renewable energy. …

Other Ballot Initiatives

Prop. 32: Minimum Wage

Under the Living Wage Act, the state’s minimum wage increased to $16 earlier this year and will rise to $17 in January for businesses with more than 25 employees.

A yes vote on the proposed ballot measure means the minimum wage will continue increasing to $18 in January 2025. …

Prop. 33: Rent Control

The proposed measure, titled Justice for Renters Act, seeks to repeal the nearly three-decades-old Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act, which prevents local governments from setting rent caps on housing built after 1995 and single-family homes.

A yes vote means the local governments will have more authority to regulate rental rates and to expand rent control to properties that were previously exempt. …

Prop. 34: Direct Patient Care

A yes vote on this initiative means certain healthcare providers must spend 98 percent of revenue from a 2000 federal prescription drug discount program on direct patient care. …

Prop. 35: Tax on Medi-Cal Insurance Providers

A yes vote means a current tax on health care insurance providers, originally set to expire in 2026, will be extended indefinitely to fund health care for those covered by the Medi-Cal program. …

Prop. 36: Reform Prop. 47

Initially passed by voters in 2014, Proposition 47 aimed to lower prison populations by downgrading some felony theft and drug crimes to misdemeanors. Ten years later, Prop. 47 returns to the ballot for voters to decide whether to reform the law amid heightened concerns about public safety across the state.

A yes vote on the reform proposal means strengthening penalties for repeat offenders and allowing prosecutors to charge felonies for certain drug and theft crimes. …

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(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: David Monniaux – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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