
New Bird Flu Cases Sprout up in Colorado

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We have covered bird flu and how media and health groups may exaggerate fears about it becoming the next pandemic. As fears abound, 9 people total have been diagnosed in the U.S.

From NBC News. Four poultry workers in Colorado have been diagnosed with bird flu, health officials confirmed Sunday.

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The new cases bring the U.S. total to nine since the first human case of the current outbreak was detected in 2022, also in a Colorado poultry worker. Eight of the nine were reported this year.

Their illnesses were relatively mild — reddened and irritated eyes and common respiratory infection symptoms like fever, chills, coughing, sore throat and runny nose. None were hospitalized, officials said. The other U.S. cases have also been mild. …

A bird flu virus has been spreading since 2020 among mammals — including dogs, cats, skunks, bears and even seals and porpoises — in scores of countries. Earlier this year the virus, known as H5N1, was detected in U.S. livestock, and is now circulating in cattle in several states.

Health officials continue to characterize the threat to the general public as low and the virus has not spread between people. But officials are keeping careful watch …

What do you think of bird flu? Will this become the next pandemic? Share your thoughts, prayers, and scriptures with us below.

(Excerpt from NBC News. Photo Credit: Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash)

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