
Federal Agency Warns of Iranian Activity at the Border

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As tension rises in the Middle East, the Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Field Operations is warning that Iran might attack America.

From Just the News. In a stark warning, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency is alerting all field offices that Iran or its proxies may try to transport “operatives, money or materials” across the southern or northern U.S. borders to conduct a terrorism attack against Americans, according to an agency memo obtained Wednesday by Just the News.

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The memo from the CBP’s Office of Field Operations urged agency personnel to take a “heightened posture due to ongoing security threats” and suggested that recent, coordinated attack from Iran-backed Hezbollah on Israeli children playing in Golan Heights soccer fields raised the distinct threat of similar attacks against the West. …

“With significant government of Iran and Lebanese Hezbollah influence and presence in the Western Hemisphere, OFO could see cross-border travel of operatives, money and or materials to support operations in the United States.” [the memo states.]

The memo also states that ports of entry should increase their enforcement posture by conducting high visibility operations and “hardening measures.”

And it urged CBP to work with federal, state and local law enforcement partners to “deter, prevent, preempt or respond to a terrorism attack against the United States.” …

The warning from a key agency inside Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ department was one of the starkest reminders about the potential election-year consequences of Biden-Harris administration policies that loosened border security and unfroze billions of dollars to Iran, a U.S.-designated state sponsor of terrorism. …

Walid Phares, a national security expert who works with U.S. counterterrorism and has advised several presidential candidates, told Just the News he believes Iran may be launching terror attacks and making threats to force a better deal with a lame-duck President Joe Biden. …

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(Excerpt from Just the News. Photo Credit: Amyyfory – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

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