
Taliban Celebrates 3 Years in Power, Expands Diplomatic Outreach

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Three years after Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Taliban is stronger than ever, seeking to step on to the global stage.

From Breitbart. The Taliban on Wednesday celebrated the three-year anniversary of the disastrous Biden-Harris withdrawal that gave them power in Afghanistan, more secure in power than ever despite constant complaints from the international community about their appalling human rights offenses.

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Taliban victory parades on Wednesday included the huge amount of American military equipment abandoned to the terrorist regime by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Each former American military vehicle was festooned with the black-and-white flags of the “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.”

Biden’s early vows to keep the Taliban regime completely isolated from the world community have given way to a more nuanced “mix of isolation and selective engagement,” as the Crisis Group delicately phrased it on Wednesday:

Western countries, frustrated especially at the Taliban regime’s restrictions on the rights of girls and women, have enforced a raft of sanctions, asset freezes and banking restrictions. At the same time, they have devoted billions of dollars to mitigating poverty and preventing famine, while some have kept in discreet contact with the Taliban about security issues. …

Sanctions against the Taliban regime persist, but the Islamic Emirate has largely won its bet that the world community would continue spending lavishly to provide food, shelter, and medicine for Afghan civilians. The economy of Afghanistan remains weak, but it has improved noticeably over the past year. Life got harder for Afghan civilians, but the Taliban has been able to restore a good deal of the government’s income.

Foreign direct investment in Afghanistan declined sharply after the Taliban takeover, but China is eager to exploit the country’s natural resources, and does not care about the Taliban’s human rights horrors at all. Tens of millions of dollars in Chinese investments have increased Afghanistan’s oil output considerably …

Afghanistan’s independent Tolo News reported the Taliban is increasing its diplomatic reach on the third anniversary of the takeover. No country has officially recognized the Islamic Emirate as a legitimate government, but 39 countries have extended diplomatic credentials to Taliban ambassadors, including China.

The Islamic Emirate has at least partially functioning embassies in the Netherlands, Spain, and India. Taliban emissaries have been received in Qatar, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Taliban officials recently invited Qatar to reopen its diplomatic facilities in Kabul.

Pakistan has spoken of “engaging” with the Taliban regime to “bring peace to this country” and “ensure the prosperity and tranquility of the Afghan people.”

Kazakhstan has delisted the Taliban as a terrorist organization and Russia is hinting at doing so. …

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(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Voice of America News)

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