
Being a good role model perfects your own character and helps others grow in virtue – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — I was recently riding in the car with my brothers and one of their young friends. The subject turned to role models – a novel concept, I think, to our friend. After a bit of discussion, he announced that his brother was certainly a role model for him. This got me thinking about all the different effects a role model can have on those around him.

People are social creatures, which means we have a propensity to be heavily influenced by those around us. My mom and I recently did an acting drill that required us to go through our morning routines out loud, at the same time. As we worked through the exercise, I noticed that we had similar speaking patterns. We were so used to each other that we mimicked each other’s breathing patterns, pauses, and inflections. And of course this concept applies to all traits that we pick up from those we are frequently around.

So I think it’s an important question to pose: Am I a role model to those around me?

Before we delve into this question, perhaps we better start with a related question: Who are my role models?

Role models can come in a variety of forms: the saints, people in your own life, movie and book characters, or even an imaginary person who you’ve constructed as the ideal you. When talking with my brothers’ friend, I asked him if he had an idea of what traits he wanted in a role model. Then he and I talked about what makes a good man, and together we built the ideal to copy. I believe at this point I bored him, and he was ready to go back to whatever teenage boys like to talk about. But it was a good reflection for me.

So who are your role models? Maybe this is not something you’ve thought about. Maybe you already have an extensive list. Whether you do or don’t, now is a good time to think about what you would look for in a role model. Of course, Our Lord, Our Lady, and the saints are great people to look up to, considering that they practiced all the virtues to an elevated degree. Which virtues are you struggling to attain or perfect? Find the saint who was known for that virtue, study his life, and pray for his intercession. Ask Our Lord and Our Lady for help.

Look also around yourself for the people you really admire and wish you were more like. These are often people in positions of authority or people you highly respect: your mother, your father, your best friend, a neighbor. With these kinds of models, be sure to consider the good and disregard the bad. We are all imperfect beings. Don’t put your earthly role models on pedestals. That will only cause you to be disheartened when you discover their faults. Instead, look at them as they are, fellow pilgrims on this earthly sojourn. Pick the virtues or traits you would like to acquire and see how they exercise them.

And now we come to the important question: Am I a role model to those around me? I am sure the aforementioned friend’s older brother does not consider himself his younger brother’s role model. But he is. And everyone has someone who is looking up to them. So it is necessary for each of us to carefully mold ourselves into a role model for others. Do you have younger brothers or sisters? Do you have children? Do you teach someone? Are you frequently with other people? These are all instances where you will find someone who is looking up to you and admiring your good traits. If we consciously know that we are a role model, we can work harder at perfecting our character.

Becoming the ideal you is not something anyone can do alone. Pray every day for help and guidance to grow in virtue. Frequently examine yourself, not only for sins but also for flaws. Make a conscious effort to overcome these things. Talk to your role models and ask them how they are able to curb and overcome their flaws. Be there for the people who look up to you. And above all, be yourself, but always strive to be the best version of yourself.

Sisters, Mary and Faustina Bowen premiered their first full length film at the ages of 16 and 14. Since that time they have filmed, edited, pressed and released 4 additional movies, developed content for, and have been devoted to promoting wholesome entertainment by publishing a children’s book and designing a #Catholicheroes line of merchandise. Their 5th film, Fabiola, is currently in pre-production.

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