
5 Creative Ways to Celebrate Grandparents Day

Maybe they watched a movie together on a first date in the theater or were fond of a particular flick as a child– but let them suggest a movie they enjoyed when they were younger for the whole family to watch.

Not only can younger kids get a chance to relive the past alongside Grandma and Grandpa and get exposed to a movie they may not see on their own time, but this can bring the whole family together for inexpensive, but quality entertainment.

If you cannot find the movie you want to watch on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, or another subscription you may possibly have, check it out at your local library.

Even get a little more creative with this and pop your own popcorn at home on the stove.

Of course, make sure the movie is age appropriate. Although many movies in the past are not as violent, promiscuous, or crass as the ones we see in theaters today, some of the littles may not be mature enough to view the movie.

In those cases, break out Grandma and Grandpa’s favorite board game they liked to play when they were younger.

4. Highlight Favorite Bible Verses

God’s lovingkindness lasts for generations Psalm (103:17). The verse mention’s children’s children, indicating grandchildren and further generations.

Purchase a Bible and have everyone in the family (extended family included) highlight their favorite Bible verses in different colors and hand those to the grandparents. If you purchase a Bible with wide margins for taking notes, you can leave inscriptions by the highlighted verses, so they know who was impacted by those words and why.

On the reverse, grandparents can also provide their grandchildren with a Bible and verses that impacted their spiritual walk with the Lord.

1 Peter 3:15 commands us to be ready to give a reason for the hope we have.

Testimonies are extremely important in one’s Christian walk, no matter what their age. In addition to highlighting favorite Bible verses, have Grandma and Grandpa sit with the grandchildren and talk about their personal testimonies in their Christian walk.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/OKrasyuk

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