
Trudeau’s time as chief tyrant may finally be coming to an end – LifeSite

OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — Canadians finally appear to have had enough of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s leadership, as even Liberals are abandoning his sinking party.    

After nine years in office, Trudeau’s popularity has done nothing but plummet among Canadians for years. It seems every day another Liberal leaves the Trudeau government while those who stay rarely seem enthused.

“Five chiefs of staff set to leave the Trudeau government,” the Globe and Mail reported last week, citing insider sources who said top advisors in the following departments have already departed from their posts: Global Affairs, Heritage, Environment, National Revenue, and Mental Health and Addictions. 

This comes on top of the numerous Liberal MPs, including former cabinet ministers, who have vacated their seats or who have announced that they will not be running for re-election.

In an even more pointed manner of expressing displeasure, just last week Liberal MP Alexandra Mendès, who serves as the assistant deputy speaker of the House of Commons, became the first in the party to publicly call for Trudeau to resign, saying directly that he is not the “right leader” for the party.  

Similarly, Bloc Québécois leader Yves-François Blanchet announced that he will not work to keep Trudeau in power, after rumours of a deal circulated following Jagmeet Singh’s New Democratic Party’s break from Trudeau last week.  

Until recently, the NDP had worked with the minority Liberal government to support Trudeau. Through this agreement, the NDP had on a number of occasions voted against non-confidence motions brought forth by the Conservative Party, keeping Trudeau in power.  

The average Canadian is done with Trudeau too  

In addition to calls from the political class for Trudeau’s resignation, or at the very least their distancing themselves from his leadership, Canadian citizens have also had enough of the prime minister’s tyrannical rule over the country. Trudeau’s trampling of basic freedoms, reckless spending, and endless lies have finally woken up Canadians to the state of the nation. 

Canadians are endlessly taking to social media to publicize their lack of patience for Trudeau’s drawn-out regime. Indeed, every one of Trudeau’s posts on X is followed by hundreds of comments calling for his resignation and accusing him of being disingenuous in his purported care for Canadians. 

“Nobody likes you, and everyone wants you gone,” one user wrote under Trudeau’s most recent post. “You’re not a success, you’re a trash WEF stooge destroying Canada. GET OUT.” 

Another commented, “The Liberal government is so corrupt.” 

Trudeau fares even worse in person than online. It seems as though every day Trudeau leaves his office in downtown Ottawa, he is met by Canadians who demand his resignation.  

Many of Trudeau’s recent outings have also not gone as planned, with Canadians often present to let their leader know they are anything but happy to be stuck under his prime ministership. While it is impossible to endorse the use of foul language or other uncharitable approaches to expressing displeasure, it is clear that Canadians have had enough. 

Polls continue to uncover the upset of Canadians toward the current government, whether it be the 70 percentfound who believe the country is “broken,” or the majority of citizens who report being worse off financially since Trudeau took office.    

Additional polls show that the scandal-plagued government has sent the Liberals into a nosedive with no end in sight, with a September poll showing that the Conservatives under Pierre Poilievre would win a landslide majority government were an election held today.

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