
What Did Jesus Really Say about the Future in Mark 13?

I teach a theology class that every student at the university where I serve is required to take before they graduate.  It’s a class that covers all the primary areas of doctrine that are addressed in Scripture, and the goal is that the class would serve as a strong foundation for the rest of their theological studies.

At the start of the semester, I typically ask the students, “What do you hope to learn from this class over the course of the next few months?”  The answers vary, but inevitably, one of the students will say, “I’d like to learn more about the future and what the Bible teaches about the end times.”

This is a subject that many Christians think about regularly.  I certainly do.  We want to know what the Lord has in store for us in the coming months and years.  We desire to gain a better understanding of the prophetic details He has revealed in His word about the return of Jesus and what’s going to happen to the nations of the world.

 There are many places in Scripture where God’s plans for the future are described.  Some of the passages seem very clear while others may strike us as being somewhat mysterious in nature.  For centuries, people have attempted to understand and explain what the Bible teaches about the future.  Admittedly, there are various interpretations of the prophetic passages that speak about future events, so I do advise a high degree of humility as we approach them because there isn’t universal agreement on what these portions of Scripture are teaching.  Some passages, in fact, appear to have multiple applications.

One such passage is found in  and a professor at Cairn University where he leads the Digital Media and Communication program.  He also leads an online community called Platform Launchers where he helps people build message-based online platforms.

 John has authored over 30 books and presently hosts several podcasts on the LifeAudio podcast network.  His shows have been downloaded millions of times by listeners throughout the world.

You can learn more about John’s ministry, books, and podcasts at

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