
Good Faith Media Announces New Bible Study Curriculum Writers

Good Faith Media (GFM) is excited to announce that Kathy and Nathan Maxwell will be the Bible Study curriculum writers for the new Good Faith Magazine beginning in 2025.

The Bible studies, designed for small group and Sunday School classes, will build on the faithful legacy of Tony Cartledge, who has written curriculum and commentaries for GFM’s Nurturing Faith Journal for many years. Tony will retire in December.

Kathy and Nathan each earned undergraduate and seminary degrees from Hardin-Simmons University and Logsdon Seminary, as well as doctorates from Baylor University.

Kathy received her Ph.D. in New Testament, focusing on the role of the original audience in receiving the narrative in Luke and Acts. She is the Vice President of Academic Affairs at Central Seminary in Shawnee, Kansas.

Nathan’s Ph.D. is in Old Testament. His dissertation explored the poetic voice in the book of Psalms. Nathan is an instructional designer in the Department of eLearning at Palm Beach Atlantic University.

The Maxwells are products of local churches and are eager to share what they have gleaned from scripture with congregations seeking to be faithful stewards of the biblical text. They have a passion for storytelling and how readers interact with the Bible.

In addition to their weekly Bible studies, Kathy and Nathan will help class leaders explore creative ways to approach conversations by releasing a short podcast for each lesson. The podcasts will be available on GFM’s website and other platforms and will be available to everyone. 

Good Faith Magazine will open a new chapter in the story that began over 40 years ago when a group of faithful Baptists created SBC Today as an independent voice, championing the values of freedom within the nation’s largest Protestant denomination. The publication evolved into Baptists Today and then, eventually, Nurturing Faith Journal.

Good Faith Magazine will honor and expand upon the legacy of those publications, continuing to explore issues of faith and culture through an inclusive Christian lens. Kathy and Nathan’s Bible Studies will be integral to this vision.

More information on the Maxwells can be found in the November/December issue of Nurturing Faith Journal.

Good Faith Magazine will be free to Good Faith Advocates who make a $50 or more donation to GFM each year. More information on becoming a Good Faith Advocate can be found here

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