
Greenpeace co-founder: Achieving ‘net zero’ emissions means ‘at least 50% of the population would die’ – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Greenpeace Co-Founder Patrick Moore has said that achieving “Net Zero” carbon emissions globally would lead to “at least 50% of the population” dying. 

“If we actually did it, my point would be that if we actually achieve net zero, at least 50% of the population would die of hunger and disease,” Moore said in a recent interview with BizNewsTv. 

“And no doubt about it, because of just one thing, which is nitrogen-based fertilizer, which won two Nobel Prizes,” he continued. “One for developing the process of combining natural gas with nitrogen in the atmosphere to make ammonia. And the other one, the other Nobel Prize, was for the person who scaled it up to an industrial level.” 

Moore stated that “at least 50% of the population depends on nitrogen fertilizer for its existence today.”  

“And there’s people trying to ban it. And the Netherlands and Sri Lanka have already made these kinds of moves.” 

READ: Dutch farmers’ strategy to fight Net Zero policies may have evolved beyond protests 

“So it is truly a death wish in disguise,” he continued. “And the disguise is to save the earth. Which doesn’t need saving, particularly.” 

Moore mentioned the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its founder Klaus Schwab as being among the people who are pushing the “Net Zero” agenda, saying that “I think they are our enemies.” 

“Not just our enemies, but the Earth’s enemies.” 

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URGENT: Demand Marine Corps reinstate Catholic who refused COVID shots
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Catherine Arnett was harassed, jailed, denied access to Mass, and removed from active service with the Marine Corp because she refused to take an abortion-tainted COVID shot.

We MUST demand that the Marine Corps reinstate her and apologize for this cruel treatment of the 25-year-old.

SIGN: Catherine Arnett deserves justice!

Arnett was a faithful and hardworking American Marine serving overseas in Japan. The unvaccinated Lance Corporal was subjected to torrid pressure however by her superiors in standing up for her Catholic beliefs when the COVID jab mandate was implemented. 

She objected to taking the shot because she considered it immoral to force someone to receive an abortion-tainted vaccine. The Marines then tried various ways of coercing Arnett to obey, such as harassment and arrest.  

SIGN: We MUST stand with Catherine in her fight for justice! 

They took her license in May of 2022 for refusing to separate (a term referring to removal from active service). She was restricted to base for 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks) until she had her community outreach access restricted in January 2023. 

 She challenged her self-professed Catholic Commanding Officer on his views and religious beliefs as he tried to tell Catherine that her religious beliefs were wrong. Because of this, he had her arrested on January 23, 2023 and jailed for 113 days until May 15, 2023. 

His specially crafted punishment for Arnett was to keep her away from the daily Mass that she had always attended. She was only able to receive Holy Communion once in the space of 80 days.  After 80 days they moved her to California. 

 June 23, 2023 was Catherine’s last day in the Marines Corp. At 4 am June 24th, they dropped her off at a random gas station with nothing but the clothes on her back, while her personal belongings are being withheld from her in Japan.

SIGN: Catherine Arnett should never have been removed by the Marine Corps

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READ: How the World Economic Forum response to ‘climate change’ is virtually the same as their COVID approach 

CO2 is good for the environment, Moore argues  

Moore argued that having higher CO2 levels in the atmosphere is beneficial for the environment because “life is made with carbon.” 

“They’ve created a false narrative about CO2, which is actually the staff of all stuff of all life,” he said. “It is the most essential part of life. That’s why organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon.”  

Moore furthermore asserted that life on earth could flourish with much higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere than the current 417 parts per million (ppm).  

“The life that is here now could flourish in 4000 ppm CO2, which is ten times what it is [now], even after we’ve put all this CO2 into it,” he said. “I don’t think that there [are] enough fossil fuels to get it back to 4000 [ppm] because most of it’s locked up in rocks, in limestone, and in chalk and marble and dolomite.”  

Moore expressed his discontent with framing fossil fuels as a “dirty” source of energy, since “putting CO2 back into the environment where it came from in the first place is one of the most important things that has happened in the history of life on Earth.” 

“It’s a stupid thing that they’ve been able to get away with calling fossil fuels dirty. Because our food is grown in dirt, it’s ‘dirty,’” Moore said regarding the way words are used to paint certain types of energy in a negative light. 

Making the case for nuclear energy 

Moore argued that the only way to reduce reliance on fossil fuels without many people starving would be to transition from so-called “renewables” like solar and wind to nuclear energy.  

He said that fossil fuels should be mainly used for heavy machinery like “tractors and farm machinery,” while most other things could be powered by nuclear energy, which he argues is very safe. 

“There are more than 100 nuclear plants between Canada and the United States,” the Greenpeace Co-Founder stated. “Not one human being has ever been injured by them, never mind killed. Fossil fuels have killed a lot of people in explosions and fires, and we still use it.” 

“Why would we ban nuclear power if nobody’s been killed except in Chornobyl? That’s the only place anyone was killed. And it was mainly the firefighters who worked for nine days to get the fire out. And they were right there at the core of the reactor where it was really radioactive.” 

“Otherwise, you know, a few children died from thyroid cancer because of late diagnosis. They could have been saved if they’d been brought to the hospital sooner. So it wasn’t like the biggest accident that’s ever happened in the world or anything. Not even close.” 

Moore helped co-found Greenpeace in 1971 and has since joined 1,100 scientists and professionals in signing the World Climate Declaration (WCD), affirming that there is no “climate emergency.” He left the global organization 15 years later after left-wing “political activists in North America and Europe changed Greenpeace from a science-based organization to a political fundraising organization.” 

He holds a Ph.D. in Forest Biology and is a Board Member of the CO2 Coalition, a scientific organization with the goal of educating the public about the benefits of CO2 and challenging climate alarmism. 


Nobel Prize winner denounces alarmist climate predictions: ‘I don’t believe there is a climate crisis’

Global warming a ‘fear campaign’ by scientists ‘hooked on government grants,’ Greenpeace founder says

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