
Morning Rundown: How Andy Stanley Is Distorting the Christian View of Sexuality

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How Andy Stanley Is Distorting the Christian View of Sexuality

Last week I hosted a men’s discipleship conference in Jacksonville, Florida. More than 220 guys from 18 states and a few foreign countries enjoyed three days of meals, fellowship and encouraging sermons.

The guys sang loudly and got rowdy during break times, but you could hear a pin drop during a panel discussion about sexual purity on Friday night.

The first guy on the panel told how his wife caught him looking at pornography—and how the exposure led to his freedom from sex addiction. Another guy got transparent about his ongoing battle with porn and how he found fresh grace to resist the temptation.

Anyone Who Rejoices Over the Butchering of Babies and Children Is Evil

As if the news from Israel could not get any more shocking, an Oct. 10 headline announced, “Babies beheaded, 40 children shot dead in a single settlement, and families burnt alive by Hamas.” This is an unfathomable level of evil, a report of barbarism that is almost incomprehensible.

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Yet in response to such demonic acts, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a televised speech, “We kiss the hands of those who planned the attack on the Zionist regime.” How utterly despicable.

The terrorists had blood on their hands. He has blood on his lips. (And, despite his denials of involvement in the massacre, he certainly has blood on his hands too.)

Ex-Porn Star: Is Watching Pornography Really Harmless?

Ex-porn star Brittni De La Mora is now on a mission to spread the Gospel and point people toward truth. She recently posed a poignant question: “Is it OK to watch porn when you’re married?”

De La Mora and her husband, Richard, often tackle tough questions surrounding sex, marriage and relationships, venturing into queries like this on their popular podcast, “Let’s Talk Purity.”

Brittni said this question about porn and marriage is one the couple is asked frequently, with some pondering whether pornography is a feasible alternative to adultery. Before getting into that question, though, Richard said it’s necessary to back up and look at porn itself.

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