
Study Finds Only 3.4% of American Journalists are Republican – American Faith

Syracuse University found that only 3.4% of American journalists consider themselves to be Republican.

Thirty-six percent of U.S. journalists identify as Democrats.

Between 2013 and 2022, the number of Democrat-affiliated journalists increased by eight points.

The findings come from a 2022 study titled, “The American Journalist Under Attack.”

“Overall, the findings suggest that the past decade has had significant effects on U.S. journalists, some more negative than positive,” the study says.

“Journalists who said they were Republicans continued to drop from 18 percent in 2002 and 7.1 percent in 2013 to 3.4 percent in 2022,” the study added. “This figure is notably lower than the percentage of U.S. adults who identified with the Republican party (26 percent according to the poll mentioned earlier) in 2022.”

A little more than half of all journalists considered themselves to be Independents, which is “about 12 percentage points above the figure for all U.S. adults (40 percent).”

Many reporters and American citizens have been censored for their views.

In an attempt to hold “government censors” accountable, Representatives Dan Bishop (R-NC) and Harriet Hageman (R-WY) introduced a bill called the Censorship Accountability Act, which empowers Americans to sue federal officials who they believe have violated their First Amendment rights.

Rep. Bishop emphasized the importance of freedom of speech in a statement, “Freedom of speech is the bedrock principle of our nation. Unfortunately, many malicious actors, especially federal bureaucrats, are bent on undermining the First Amendment and censoring Americans at every turn.”

Congresswoman Hageman said, “Our First Amendment rights are the foundation for all of our other individual rights as protected by the Constitution.”

Bishop, a prominent voice against government censorship, has been instrumental in leading investigations into alleged collusion between Big Tech and Big Government to censor Americans.

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