
Biden’s endgame in Ukraine? Abandon the fight while declaring ‘victory’ – LifeSite

Tell Congress to stop the Biden administration from funding wars in Ukraine and Israel

(LifeSiteNews) — Following a stalled appeal for a further $60 billion in funding for Ukraine, news reports emerged towards the end of 2023 which suggest the Biden administration is rewriting the script for the end of the war against Russia.  

Joe Biden’s declaration on December 12 that Ukraine has already won “an enormous victory” demonstrated the power of suggestion. Of all the things this could mean, the foremost is the repetition of the oldest trick in the regime playbook – if reality contradicts your narrative, then call that reality something else. 

Lost in translation 

This translation has been forced by reality. As Politico reported on December 27:

With U.S. and European aid to Ukraine now in serious jeopardy, the Biden administration and European officials are quietly shifting their focus from supporting Ukraine’s goal of total victory over Russia to improving its position in an eventual negotiation to end the war. 

The “enormous victory” here is a form of narrative management. At face value, this is a defeat. A retreat by the West, a win for Russia. It is a term which only makes sense if the definition is changed from “winning” to “surviving.”

Word games  

This wordplay is a trick that was refined in the lockdown years, where damaging and even fatal policies were not only promoted as positives, but were applauded by celebrities and a captive media. We were schooled to celebrate the demolition of our liberties, our health, our minds, our democracy and our economy.   

The same sleight of mind was practiced to promote the COVID measures and to market the war against Russia in Ukraine. It saw the mass media manufacture a mentality where it was the highest good to applaud evil – and despise those who warned of the dangers.  

It is by the same strange magic that defeat becomes victory.   

The meaning of ‘victory’

Biden’s remarks were made alongside President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, who was in the U..S to drum up support for a further package of financial “aid.” These attempts have so far failed. As ZeroHedge noted, public support has plummeted and one former Pentagon official, Michael Maloof, has said there is “no stomach” to provide more money for Ukraine.  

“Frankly, the people see that the war is over,” said Maloof, in a video interview on December 31. It is a verdict which was foreshadowed days before President Biden’s declaration of “victory” for Ukraine, when Senator JD Vance asked “What is $61 billion going to accomplish that $100 billion hasn’t?”  

Vance’s remarks were repeated in a later piece in Newsweek. Published on December 30, it was titled “Ukraine Faces Growing Calls From U.S. to Cede Land to Russia.” 

So – Biden’s definition of “victory” means “giving up your land.” This was formerly known as “defeat.” How can this be seriously termed “an enormous victory?” 

Does ‘Ukraine’ still exist? 

Biden’s argument is that the fact “Ukraine” has survived spells defeat for Russia. This begs the question of whether “Ukraine” still exists at all. 

There is no democracy, as the opposition parties have been banned. The media is under state control, and elections have been canceled. At present, the Russians occupy about a quarter of what was once Ukraine.  

They are expected to permanently annex this and most of the southeast. This leaves a landlocked rump state with no heavy industry, very little farmland and no coastline. 

One impression of a future “Ukraine” – with Russia taking the entire southeast including the coastline. Source: Reddit

What will be left? A name without a nation. Some regions may revert to Polish control, for example, as parts of what is now Galicia were formerly administered by Poland. 

“Ukraine” is a name for a zombie nation. If the U.S. and EU stop their life support, Zelensky’s government will collapse and “Ukraine” will finally be allowed to die. It has no way to pay for itself, and with the loss of what was Ukraine’s industrial and economic base, along with so much of its population, it never will. 

Where does the ‘aid’ go? 

Two thirds of the “aid” money for “Ukraine” has never left the U.S. 

According to a report by The Hill on December 4, the U.S. has so far donated $111 billion in “aid to Ukraine.”

Of this, over $60 billion has gone to the Pentagon, with a further $4.7 billion going to the State Department. 

Do Americans know how much of this “aid” money is funneled back to U.S. arms companies and the wider war industry? These corporations directly sponsor elected representatives, meaning that rounds of “aid” – whether for this war or for others – means that money is taken from the taxpayer to be handed to the donor class and the politicians they buy.  

 “Aid” is a nice word for the process of corrupting your own democracy through amassing vast debts. It is an instrument of national ruin. 

Funding foreign and domestic corruption 

So what about the rest of the money? Where did the remaining 50 or so billion dollars go? No one really knows, as there is no audit or oversight of how Western aid money is spent in Ukraine.   

Time magazine said in December 2022 that the majority of the money that actually gets to Ukraine is not spent on humanitarian aid – but is used to pay the wages of government and public officials. Western aid dollars pays politicians, police, nurses and public sector workers, as well as financing government schemes and projects. At least, that’s what we are told.  

Past experience suggests that much of this money is simply stolen.

The stark lessons from Afghanistan have been ignored, which included paying the wages of policemen and public officials which did not exist. Dozens of billions of euros and dollars have vanished into one of the most corrupt places on earth. We will probably never find out where most of this “direct aid” to Ukraine was actually directed.  

Defending democracy 

The destination of this “aid” should be borne in mind when we are reminded of its ultimate purpose: the defense of democracy. Where is this “democracy”? 

The democracy being defended is one which holds dubious elections and whose legitimacy is one which is impossible to locate outside the media bubble. The means of its “defense” – the vast amounts of borrowed money – are financing its destruction at home and abroad.  

This is the business of forever war – a vast engine of corruption made noble through the distortions of propaganda. Project Ukraine is drawing to a close because another opportunity is opening in the Middle East. The military industrial complex will simply do as it always does – declare victory, abandon the ruins, and move on to the next war. 

Tell Congress to stop the Biden administration from funding wars in Ukraine and Israel

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