
5 Ways to Discern What God Wants for Your Family

1. Start with Prayer

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Prayer is our ultimate lifeline to the Father, creating such a personal and special way in which we connect to Him. There are multiple references throughout scripture that proclaim if we confess to God from the depths of our hearts, earnestly seeking His will, that whatever we ask, we will receive (1 John 5:14, John 14:13, Mark 11:24). So, as we bring our heart to Him, praying for Him to lead our families, we can do three things: praise, present, and proceed.

Praise: Start by praising God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon you and your family. This is where we can really pay attention to detail and be intentional about really showering God with our thanks, gratefulness, and praise.

Present: After giving Him your heart of praise, then present your family to Him and ask for His guidance. Share with Him your deepest desires and wants for each of your family members, and open up about the struggles and challenges your family is facing. Lay it all out here for Him. While He already knows, He wants to hear from you, as it allows Him to move and align your heart to His.

Proceed: Lastly, in the stillness of your prayer, invite God in to reveal steps to take in order to trust and obey Him. Are there areas in your life you need to surrender or give up control? Maybe you need to set better boundaries around your time or allow room for more growth opportunities to emerge. Search your heart and what you feel God is pressing upon it. Then, walk in obedience and step out in faith, carrying out what He is commanding of you.

Start with taking your heart to God alone in a still and quiet space, then pray with your spouse, and finally as a family. As you all begin to pray, God will begin to reveal His plan for your family.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/rudi_suardi

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