
Trump says he’s open to having Elon Musk serve in his administration if re-elected – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — If Donald Trump wins re-election, billionaire tech mogul Elon Musk just might be working for him at the White House. 

During an interview with Reuters this week, Trump said he’s open to the possibility of having Musk, who endorsed him for president after his assassination attempt last month, serve in his administration. 

“He’s a very smart guy. I certainly would, if he would do it, I certainly would. He’s a brilliant guy,” Trump said. 

Trump and Musk made headlines when the pair sat down for an X Spaces interview last week. Up until then, Trump had refused to post on the platform despite Musk reinstating his account in November 2022. 

During their two-hour conversation, which drew approximately 2.1 million listeners, Musk raised the possibility of creating a “government efficiency commission” that would ensure “taxpayers’ money … is spent in a good way.”  

An excited Trump responded by stating he’d “love” for Musk to be involved because “you’re the greatest cutter.” 

Musk posted on X in response, stating he is “willing to serve.”

Musk’s support for Trump is notable in that Big Tech has historically been hostile to Republican presidential candidates. Musk himself voted for Biden in 2020. 

Other tech oligarchs, including Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg have also expressed admiration for Trump after he survived his assassination attempt. 

One likely reason the tech world has softened on Trump is because he selected U.S. Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio as his running mate. Vance’s career has been bankrolled by billionaire Peter Thiel, a homosexual who co-founded PayPal. 

At the 2016 GOP convention, Thiel claimed that “fake culture wars only distract us from our economic decline.” 

Trump has not been shy about offering an olive branch to Silicon Valley for support this election cycle.  

While appearing on the industry’s “All-in Podcast” in June, he said he is in favor of giving green cards to college graduates so tech companies can hire highly skilled workers.  

While neither Trump nor Musk are Catholic, Musk told Jordan Peterson recently that he was raised Anglican and is “probably a cultural Christian.” Trump, meanwhile, called the blasphemous mocking of the Last Supper during the Paris Olympics’ opening ceremony “disgraceful.” 

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