
How to Stay Calm During Busy Seasons with These 7 Prayers

But we all know that in the season of having young kids around your feet, as much as they are the biggest blessing, there is also complete chaos that needs to be walked through. Floors that never seem clean, dishes that forever mount, and washing that seems to come from Mary Poppins bag! Added to that, the responsibility of looking after a life that you want to keep from harm and tend to carefully, but also balancing your issues from life to date is not easy.   It is in that season I pray: 

Dear Jesus
I will be forever thankful for the children you have given me. For the little hands I get to hold, the little feet that I see walk around my home, and the little smiles that brighten my day. But I am only human, and sometimes those little hands and feet make messes that I don’t even know how to clean; they go through clothes, food, and money like it is going out of fashion. As much as I am thankful, I am also sleep-deprived, malnourished, and over-touched. Jesus, would you help me parent them like Father God would? Would you help me to be gracious on the 50th time they shout Mom before 10 am? Would you help me to be kind when they spill another cup of juice and help me to love them purely, without ties or strings? This season will not last forever, but I ask God that you would bring calm to my home, that you, yourself, would be present with us, showing us the ropes and helping us deal with our life and not breed that into another generation. God, you are so good, and you love me so patiently. Help me be the same. 
In Jesus name

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/jacoblund

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