
Will the Courts Decide Our Elections? – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 2 minutes

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As the election draws closer, many attentive intercessors have their eyes on the courts. Lawfare has become the name of the game, and many worry about just how much influence the courts will have on November’s election. To that end, IFA President/CEO Dave Kubal sat down with two legal experts to answer the question of whether the courts will decide our elections.

Dave’s first guest, Kelly Shackelford of First Liberty, discussed the intersection of churches, nonprofits, and politics. He talked about what churches and nonprofits can and can’t do. Did you know that, while churches can’t endorse political candidates, pastors can? You can hear more about the role of churches by watching the webcast below.

Dave and Shackelford also discussed the radical plan of the left to pack the Supreme Court. Shackelford shared about the dangers, stating that a packed court could cause us to “lose our country” and “lose the rule of law.”

Dave’s next guest was Mike Berry from the America First Policy Institute. The two discussed the left’s attack on our legal system, a recent Supreme Court decision, and the biggest threats to our election. Berry also shared hope for the future, highlighting the efforts of conservatives to be better prepared for legal battles related to the election.

You can watch this exciting webcast below:

Share your prayers for our elections in the comments.

(Photo Credit: Soho A Studio via Canva Pro)

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