
Sound of Freedom defies naysayers with 5 million tickets sold, $50 million in receipts – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Putting detractors to shame, Sound of Freedom has surpassed $50 million in box office receipts and will have sold more than five million tickets by the time this article is published, more than 2.5 times the original two million ticket sales target. 

The popularity of this important movie, which has pulled back the curtain on the global child-sex trafficking industry, has humiliated the studios who refused to distribute the film, completed in 2018, on the grounds that no one would want to see it, and the secular critics who since its opening have attempted to smear the movie as a QAnon conspiracy. 

“They’re scared. Quaking in their boots. And it’s because the public are listening to their hearts, which is what this film tells you to do,” actor Jim Caviezel explained in a recent video discussion.  

“We are living a miracle!” tweeted Eduardo Verástegui, the movie’s producer and one of its stars, when he learned of the important sales milestone.    

“All glory to God. This is the people’s movie,” he declared. 

Sound of Freedom is already more profitable than many Disney movies,” Jean Carlo Portillo wrote, “although the latter said that it would not be a business because no one was going to see a movie of this style.” 

“Even if they label us as far-right, ultra-conservative, paranoid and alarmist,” he continued, “this is an issue that should always have been fought.” 

Just nine days after its July 4 theatrical release, Sound of Freedom had earned $53,922,551, and at 4,928,030 total seats sold as of this writing is poised to leap well beyond 5 million. 

The movie — and by extension, the American public’s resolve to end the depraved child-sex trafficking industry — continues to gain momentum. Angel Studios has just announced that an additional 450 theaters will be showing Sound of Freedom beginning this weekend.    

“We understand there are rumors — predominantly in social media — that AMC theaters have made it difficult for fans to see Sound of Freedom in local AMC theaters, and we want to make it clear these rumors are not accurate,” said Brandon Purdie, head of Angel Theatrical Distribution. “AMC has been an outstanding partner for Angel Studios, and in fact, as a result of the movie’s performance and consumer demand, AMC has agreed to add additional screens for Sound of Freedom this weekend.” 

Purdie added this request: 

Angel Studios and the producers of Sound of Freedom are asking our fans to support AMC, and all of our other theatrical partners. Summer is the busiest season for people working in theaters, so we ask that anyone attending a screening of Sound of Freedom show kindness to their local theater staff. We have the best movie fans in the business. Let’s continue to show theaters the love that Angel supporters are known for. 

Sound of Freedom” is a brilliant – albeit heart-wrenching – movie based on the true story of former CIA agent Tim Ballard, who quit his job a decade ago in order to rescue countless innocent children ensnared in the horrific underworld of child sex trafficking.   

Asked why he has undertaken his heroic mission, Ballard, played by Caviezel, declares, “Because God’s children are not for sale.” 

The unspeakable evil of child sexual exploitation with an estimated two million kids – toddlers, 4- and 5-year-olds, up through their young teen years – around the world are raped, sodomized, tortured, and threatened with death many times per day by depraved adults is not far away from any of us. It’s a multibillion-dollar industry and, to our great shame, the United States is the industry’s biggest consumer.  

 “Every day ordinary people don’t want to hear it,” explains Ballard, founder of Operation Underground Railroad, in the movie. “It’s too ugly for polite conversation. But, meanwhile, over two million children a year are being sucked into the deepest recesses of hell.”  

The fact is, [Child sex-trafficking] is the fastest growing international crime network that the world has ever seen. It has already passed the illegal arms trade and soon it’s going to pass the drug trade. You want to know why? You can sell a bag of cocaine one time. But a child, the most precious child, you can sell a five-year-old kid five to ten times a day for ten years straight.  

Ballard continues through tears:  

Trust me, man, if we do nothing, their pain is going to spread and spread … ’til someday it’s going to reach the likes of you. And that will be a nightmare that you’re never going to wake up from.   

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