Prayer-Walking Miracles – Intercessors for America

An intercessor submitted this wonderful article detailing specific miraculous answers to prayer from prayer walks. We hope you are inspired. …

5 Things You Should Know about Sanctification

Though sanctification is based on what Christ accomplished in His death and resurrection and is experienced in the lives of …

Diabolical Delusions Deceiving Many

This is not just true of Joe Pagan. It is true of those claiming to be Christians yet absolutely deny …

Painting Sin with Virtue Signals

As we revisit the truths that Thomas Brooks discovered in 1652, let us be reinvigorated by them today. Let us …

What I Want From a Church

Whether we are tempted to leave one church for another over a matter of mere preference, whether we are tempted …

Self-Examination for the Lord’s Supper

I have to check I know God’s grace comes to me in Jesus Christ alone. Am I confident that my …